
Founders Details


Monsignor Fortunatus Henry Caumont was born in Tours, in France on December 10, 1871, to Monsieur Salvat Caumont and Madame Pauline Caumont. She had a great and lasting influence on her son. In school, he was the joy of his teachers. He was studious and hardworking, gifted with great intelligence, delicate artistic sense and personal charm.

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Mother Mary Matilda – Our Co-founder

Josephine was born on December 13, 1880. The fire of God’s love was enkindled in her and she said goodbye to the worldly pleasures and gave her entire life to God in His love and service.

Away from the pleasant climate of France, in a strange land among strangers, in the harsh, extreme desert climate of Rajasthan, hers was indeed a life of heroic sacrifice.

Mother Mary Matilda loved challenges. She experienced hardships which lasted for 10 years while bringing up the congregation of the M.S.A. Her faith in God was tremendous due to which she could overcome the worst difficulties. She had long periods of waiting, watching and praying.

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To respond to the Gospel values.
To live out a preferential for the poor.
To continually discern the needs of our times.
To make our schools places where the Glory of God is manifested



To be signs and bears of the Good News to the people of all faiths, especially women and girl children.



Mary Immaculate Girls’ High School is a Catholic School established and administered by the Mission Sisters of Ajmer, members of an Indian religious congregation. These sisters, who have dedicated their lives to God and humanity, render voluntary services in the educational field.


Every student of Mary immaculate School should know the School Motto and the meaning of the emblem of the school and be worthy of it.
WISDOM’. This was the message of the founder,Bishop Henry Coumont. It should be the goal of every true Marian, to strive for wisdom and enlightenment, to attain that fullness of personality and individuality that this school offers her. With Mary Immaculate as the patroness and model, a Marian should strive to attain the high and noble ideals of purity, learning and wisdom as her goals.
The Lily, on the school emblem, symbolizes purity- purity of mind and body- a virtue that makes every Marian a worthy student of Mary Immaculate School.
The radiant Sun symbolizes the enlightenment that education brings to the young and eager mind of every Marian, dispelling the darkness of ignorance. So Marian, step into the sunshine, and partake of this gift of knowledge.
The letter ‘M’ and ‘I’ stands for ‘Mary Immaculate’ the Patroness, whose qualities of goodness, purity and humility, every worthy Marian should imitate.


Mary Immaculate, our Patroness. Our mother, queen and guide, Mary Immaculate, our Patroness. Friend, ever at our side; Seat of true wisdom; you’re our motto clear; Virtues we practiced we will hold most dear, Mary Immaculate, our Patroness, We’re proud to say that we are yours. Mary immaculate, we’ve named our school. We love, we cherish thee, Mary immaculate, a Girls’ High School. We pledge our loyalty, Forming the students in both heart and mind, Molding our nature to be gentle, and kind, Mary Immaculate, a Girls’ High School. We’re proud to say that we are yours.